Friday, March 21, 2014

Finally, Spring!

Between the longer days and warmer weather, I am enjoying my runs more and more. Running at 9pm when it's 30 degrees sucks. I am so happy to run during the day, especially as I am running more and more on trails instead of the road.

As long as I keep running, I don't regard it as a failure if I need to repeat a week of C25K. Which is happening now.

It went like this: After trail running with Paul (my 11 year old son) last Saturday we committed to run together. That run was Day 2 of Week 3. So even though I had done 2 days of Week 3, I figured the best way to bring him in would be to repeat Week 3. And that's what we're doing.

We have a great trail to run on. It is not too smooth nor too level. But it is not all hills either. We decided that as we built our endurance we'd add some hills.

Yesterday we ran Day 2 Week 3 and it was another good one. We tack on a "final effort" sprint after completing the program.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Recap and Week 3, Day 1

I ended up doing Week 2 of C25K twice. The first time was disjointed. So I did it a second time.

Day 3 (redux) was a nice trail run with my son. I love trail running and hope to do more. I wish I could make it my regular run, but running at night doesn't lend itself to trail running.

So I finished week 2. Then for personal reasons (that are legit) I couldn't run for a few days. Then I got sick.


Yesterday I finally climbed back on the horse and ran. True to form it was cold and dark. Some snow and freezing rain.

And instead of redooing Week 2, I dedcided to try and force myself to run Week 3.

And I freaking did it! After not running for about 10 days!

It felt so great, physically and mentally.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week Two, Day 1

Weight: 286.
This week's C25K pattern is 90 seconds of jogging and 2 minutes of walking.

I live in a hilly place. My run is hilly. And it just so happened that the first two running splits were on steep hills. I choose to see this as a positive, but boy-oh-boy my legs were feeling it!

Overall I didn't feel too overworked. The last couple of splits I really became aware of my stride and foot-strike. I have no idea if they are good or bad; I was just acutely aware of them.

I would have liked one more 90 second jogging split, so that's good. As a complete novice I feel good knowing there was a little more in the tank. It leaves me with a positive feeling at the end of the run.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The First Week

I weighed in at 288. That's neither my highest nor my lowest of the past 5 years. It doesn't matter, that where this journey starts.

My shoes arrived. I am very happy with them so far.

In the cold and dark of Monday I ran for the first time. I am calling it the first time because, while I've run as part of sports practice in High School, or PT at military basic training, it is the first time i have intentionally run, for it's own sake.

I am doing the Couch to 5k plan. The first week splits like this:
5 minute warm up.
Alternate 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking. for 20 minutes.

Day 1

After the first jogging I struggled to keep my breathing under control.
By the third jogging split that was no longer really a problem. Now I was freezing cold and wished I had worn gloves.
At the halfway mark I was no longer cold.
By the last jogging split I was surprised it was over.

Day 2

Snow is imminent, but I persevered. I wore an extra layer and remembered gloves.
Again, the first jogging split had me struggling to control my breath without just flat out huffing and puffing.
By the middle mark it was drizzling/snowing and I was getting a little warm. I pushed up my sleeves.
At the end, I was disappointed it was over. I wanted to run a few more splits.

Day 3

I was much colder today, but I think I may have figured out my cold weather outfit.
I definitely wanted more jogging by the end. It really felt like the first half was a warm up and I could have gone a few more jogging splits. However, I am sticking to the plan.


I was pleased with the first week. I had some soreness, especially in my lower legs, but nothing bad. In a way I'm glad I had such a crummy weather week (cold and wet) for starting, it made me feel a little bit badass.

I haven't added anything beyond running for now. Shovelglove or 100pushups will be starting soon, but I want to form the habit first, so it may be a few weeks.

Each day I was surprised when the app voice informed me I was done. On Day 2 and 3 I actually jogged a little more. It just felt good, but I didn't push it.

Friday, February 7, 2014


I have struggled with my weight all my life. 
A few years ago I had gall bladder surgery and the doctors informed me I had diabetes. It turns out a sedentary lifestyle and a proclivity to overeat is not a healthy lifestyle.
I made some changes and lost about 60 pounds.
I ate less, and eliminated all sugar from my drinks.
I still don't have sugary drinks.
I plateaued.

My eating habits slipped, but I joined a gym determined to work out.
Swimming. I know how to do that. I like doing that.
So I started swimming. I came pretty close to finishing a program to swim a mile. But mostly the swimming was a means to get me in the habit of going to the gym. And it worked. I started working out on machines and started seeing improvements. I was getting fit.

Then I swallowed my pride and entered the weight room.
I loved lifting weights.
Squats and deadlifts are actually enjoyable to me.

And then I couldn't afford the gym membership anymore.
And I stopped working out.
And I gained weight.
And I lost muscle.

For most of my life I eschewed running as being the boring part of other sports.
But recently something changed. I wanted to run.
To be more accurate I wanted to run and lift weights.
I want to be healthy and strong for my wife and children.
Fat guys don't usually live as long as the slim guys.
Time to stop being a fat guy.
At age 40 there is a sense of urgency to this idea.

I just ordered a pair of running shoes.
I am planning on beginning the Couch to 5k as soon as they come in.
As much as I want to get back into weightlifting, I don't have any space for a rack at home.
So I am going to add the Shovelglove to my routine soon.
Hopefully I can find a way to lift weights in the near future.
That is what this blog is going to be about.
Me being accountable for becoming strong and healthy.

I'll never be an athlete, nonetheless I can be strong and healthy.